Thursday, November 22, 2012

Liar & Spy

Liar & Spy is a book about an 11 year old boy named Georges, who meets a 12 year old self appointed 'spy' and loner named Safer as the teacher of 'spy club'. Life is tough for Georges because his mom works long double-shifts, his dad got laid off, and because he gets bullied a lot at school, (largely due to his name). So he is happy to have Safer as a friend, but some of the spy assignments Safer gives him seem very extreme, and fake.

The book offers a perspective on many things such as bullying and becoming united against bullies, characteristics of different people, life after losing jobs, and so on.

The one primary flaw I find with the book is that towards the end, the whole spy club part lost it's importance even though that was the main idea of the book at first.

My rating: 6 out of 10